Message Board Launched
As of 9/3/05 we have a new message board. It's a fully automated instant response system. I may post really important news here but the message board is really a replacement for this page.
You can see what's going on right now at
The board is organized into several fora. These can change over time and suggestions are welcome. In fact, one of the topics is "Suggest A Forum"! Probably the most important forum right now is simply called "Katrina". It's a place to find out how every one is doing in the wake of the storm. There is also a forum for general news and one just for idle chat. The "Admin" forum is to get help or let me know of any problems with the board.
As before please follow a couple of easy rules...
News Policy
- Announcements should relate directly to Hanberry family members and their activities.
- Announcements should include "Who, What, When, Where" as applicable.
- Be reasonably brief while still telling your story.
- Don't worry about the rules too much. Have some fun with it.